A flange is a method of connection pipes, valves, pumps, and other equipment to form a piping system. It is the second and most connection after welding. Flanges provides easy access for cleaning inspection or modification.
Flange Classified :
1- Flange Type
2- Flange Face
3- Size
4- Schedule
5- Pressure-temperature rating
6- Material
1) Weld neck Flange:
Easy to recognize because of the long-tapered hub. It is the most widely used in process piping.
- Used for high pressure and high temperature application
- Decrease the high stress concentration at the bottom of the flange.
- Used in all pressure class
- Can be used in high pressure system.
- A high skilled welder is required.
- There is an expansion gap that is must be 1/16” to prevent residual stress.