CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION (Energy that creates a better path): Metering Regulating Station (MRS)
Showing posts with label Metering Regulating Station (MRS). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metering Regulating Station (MRS). Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Metering Regulating Station (MRS)

Metering and Regulating Station (MRS) whose function is to reduce and regulate the pressure 4 bar of gas supplied from the PE network into the Downstream network as per customer required pressure. MRS used in Industrial/commercial customer . The principal components of a typical MRS are described as follows:

The MRS have available in Single Stream / Twin stream.

Pressure relief valves : A pressure relief valve limits pressure buildup (i.e, prevents over pressure) at its location in a pressure system. The relief valve opens to prevent a rise of inlet pressure in excess of a specified value. The pressure at which the relief valve begins to open pressure is the relief pressure setting. Pressure relief valves can be direct-operated or pilot- operated.

Filtration: The filtration of incoming gas is through the filter of a rating adequate for the types of equipment installed downstream such as pressure regulators, relief valves, slams etc.

SlamShut-off: Upstream of the pressure regulator is fitted the Over pressure shut off (OPSO) valves with the aim of shutting of the Gas flow in the event the outlet pressure exceeds the set values. OPSO protects the facilities & equipment downstream of the MRS. MRS is also fitted with Under pressure slam shut off (UPSO) valves to protect the system in case the pressure drops to extremely low values (lower than the predefined values i.e. outside the safe operating envelope)

Pressure Regulating: Two pressure regulators are installed in series forming the “Monitor & Active” configuration with the one taking over the other in case of malfunction. This system ensures uninterrupted supply of Gas by automatic switching between the two regulators in the event of the “Active” suffering a malfunction. The models & ratings of both the regulators are the same with only a required variation in their pressure settings.

1. Direct-operated (Self- operated)

2. Pilot-operated

Creep Relief valve :  A creep Relief Valve is installed Downstream of the regulator for relieving of excess pressure build ups caused by the such things as the regulator valves not fully sealing at lockup, sudden drop of consumption or any other fluctuations causing an upsurge in pressure.

Gas Metering System : Gas metering is very important for transmission and distribution system and metering station. Through out  gas measurement utilizes two basic principles to measure gas volumes, positive displacement meter and inferential meters. Positive displacement meters comprise the large majority of measurement devices in use while inferential meters are used primarily for large volume measurement.

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